Rapid phylogenetic analysis of large samples of recombinant bacterial whole genome sequences using Gubbins
- 2015qyliangShandong University, at WeiHai
- AdamtarantoThe University of Melbourne
- andrewjpageTheiagen Genomics
- Aron-githubHeidelberg, Germany
- bforde
- BioMinnieThe Doherty Institute, The University of Melbourne
- ccnekoHokkaido University
- congdvOntario
- druvusSweden
- Eslam-Samir-RagabWürzburg, Germany
- hailingfangPh.D. student, Shandong University.
- hngyouShanghai Municipal Center for Disease Control & Prvention
- houswUniversity of Southern California
- indexofireHZCDC
- IvalizeSantiago, Chile
- JingjieSongShenzhen, China
- jrherrUniversity of Nebraska
- kozo2Tokyo, Japan
- kujawskm
- liaochenlanruoPerfect
- lindechunMAGIGENE
- marcosdecarvalhoFlorianópolis, SC, Brasil
- nbenzakourWestmead Institute for Medical Research - University of Sydney
- oschwengers@ag-computational-bio - JLU Giessen
- PerugolateUniversity of St Andrews
- peterdfieldsUniversity of Basel
- ps-patUniversité du Québec à Montréal
- sjackman@10xGenomics
- skembel
- swyderSwitzerland
- TacModdMelbourne, Australia
- thisisliuqing
- tokeemtareqUSA
- tomdstantonMonash University
- widdowquinnUniversity of Strathclyde
- YaaOppong