- 3
Femto Mega I support
#46 opened by bmegli - 1
Device disconnected when reading /image_raw
#59 opened by Rago777 - 0
- 0
- 3
gemini335 camera launch error
#55 opened by xiaoye1994 - 0
- 4
- 0
[when doing eye-in-base calibration], [the camera astra mini pro's intrinsic matrix seems wrong]
#51 opened by Tianyi20 - 1
How to use multi camera in ros1?
#43 opened by kao-yang - 7
Invalid Quaternion for Femto Bolt
#49 opened by marcomasa - 0
WSL2 and Ubuntu 20.04 - Femto Bolt --- libEGL warning: failed to open /dev/dri/renderD128: Permission denied
#48 opened by marcomasa - 1
- 4
- 1
[ERROR] Failed to setup devices: Current device dose not support preset features!
#38 opened by hplegend - 1
multiple cameras - device_num logic unnecessary
#42 opened by bmegli - 2
/home/alex/work/Camera/orbbercamer/devel/lib/orbbec_camera/orbbec_camera_node: symbol lookup error: /home/alex/work/Camera/orbbercamer/devel/lib/ undefined symbol: _ZN6google10LogMessage6streamEv
#34 opened by Alexjiand - 2
catkin build error in ros melodic
#41 opened by AlexWanghaoming - 5
Gemini 2XL crashes on v1.5.3
#35 opened by maximilianwulf - 0
imu_optical_frame_id not exists for Gemini2
#40 opened by Seas00n - 2
- 1
- 0
Installation instructions update needed
#36 opened by NIkolaStaykov - 0
pointcloud saving path
#32 opened by NGKAIEN - 1
- 4
missing install rule for orbbec_camera_node
#22 opened by bmegli - 3
Use image transport to publish images
#19 opened by Tacha-S - 22
- 1
How could I get the IMU data
#18 opened by Ultramarine1939-syujie - 0
Build error
#26 opened by vhi120 - 2
- 2
- 3
Orbbec driver doesn't respect external namespace
#23 opened by bmegli - 5
Transforms is not valid in femto bolt.
#16 opened by Tacha-S - 0
CameraInfoManager is not setup.
#14 opened by Tacha-S - 1
This code does not support Astra pro camera
#11 opened by gowtham212 - 0
Color point cloud type maybe has wrong
#17 opened by yuetin - 0
Point cloud Noise problem
#13 opened by youngjae41 - 0
Astra Stereo S U3 model left_camera_image topic and right_camera_image_topic
#12 opened by youngjae41 - 1
Accel and Gyro message time synchronization
#10 opened by zhangkunyi - 0
Issues with point cloud publishing
#2 opened by karel1344 - 3
- 2
GPU/computer requirements?
#9 opened by jeff-o - 0
ROS CameraInfo message gets populated with incorrect information for Femto Mega
#7 opened by swankun - 1
catkin_make时报错boost::filesystem::detail::creat_directory(boost::filesystem::path const&,boost::filesystem::path const*,boost::system::error_code*)未定义的引用
#1 opened by lyc233333