- 1
- 0
- 0
#776 opened by cottsay - 5
CI is stuck on virtualenv 16.7.9 until install-scripts option is honored.
#400 opened by nuclearsandwich - 1
Consider restoring --src-mounted argument
#756 opened by scpeters - 0
RHEL CI jobs have many colcon warnings
#737 opened by clalancette - 2
- 1
Tight coupling of `pyside2` to `Qt` version can cause build regressions
#727 opened by claraberendsen - 12
- 1
"The system cannot find the path specified." for every command invoked during a Windows build
#495 opened by dirk-thomas - 3
- 2
- 0
CI should throw an error if ``CI_BRANCH_TO_TEST`` is not found in any of the repos
#620 opened by adityapande-1995 - 1
ROS 2 CI not merging branches with master
#621 opened by alsora - 3
Connext security tests failing on Windows
#488 opened by jacobperron - 3
Unpin cryptography version
#507 opened by dirk-thomas - 1
- 3
- 1
- 4
#591 opened by bsamadi - 2
About Jenkins's "Collapsing Console Sections" setting
#577 opened by samlin0419 - 1
Docker image for windows
#576 opened by anacsousa1 - 0
- 6
False positive clang warning with braced initializer
#357 opened by rotu - 0
Painted source code isn't updated in coverage jobs
#536 opened by cottsay - 0
Unpin flake8-blind-except version
#533 opened by cottsay - 5
Some Windows build issues getting details swallowed:
#435 opened by rotu - 9
- 11
- 1
publish xUnit test result report failed in ros2 ci
#505 opened by flynneva - 5
Python warnings are not reported by CI
#418 opened by jacobperron - 7
Dockerfile.msvc2019: spurious escape character?
#420 opened by gavanderhoorn - 9
- 3
- 2
Suppress progress bar in CI
#431 opened by rotu - 1
Revert MSVS version pin from PR #462
#463 opened by brawner - 1
#449 opened by ivanpauno - 7
Packaging OSX build host is using out of date version of class_loader from homebrew
#456 opened by emersonknapp - 2
- 4
- 4
Docker builds fail on top of current Win 10 1909
#423 opened by cottsay - 0
Quotes in build/test args are not always preserved
#329 opened by cottsay - 1 and are confusingly similar
#439 opened by rotu - 1
CI swallows Python deprecation warnings
#430 opened by rotu - 3
RTI Connext and BuildTools 16.5 incompatibilty bug
#411 opened by brawner - 0
unpin pytest-rerunfailures
#408 opened by dirk-thomas - 2
Coverage builds are broken
#372 opened by ivanpauno - 3
- 0
- 0