- 1
- 1
Topic remapping from YAML file
#1179 opened by oysstu - 3
- 4
:farmer: Flaky `test_action_interaction__rmw_connextdds` in Windows debug and release
#1162 opened by Crola1702 - 1
Remove `localhost_only` option for turtule-J
#1070 opened by fujitatomoya - 21
- 1
Lifecyle node failed to make transition
#1166 opened by kjjpc - 1
Service clients freeze on multi-client cases.
#1163 opened by kjjpc - 0
MSVC 2022 - Segfault on timer_test related with fastrtps::SharedMemSegment.hpp
#1159 opened by ahcorde - 4
Allow non-ros parameters in params file
#1149 opened by davy-code - 6
- 2
- 1
- 0
rcl_yaml_param_parser incorrectly parsing integer values bigger than LONG_MAX = 2147483647
#1125 opened by MichaelOrlov - 7
- 5
Flaky: failed to add guard condition to wait set: guard condition implementation is invalid
#1120 opened by moriarty - 0
:farmer: `test_node__rmw` test failing for `connextdds`, `cyclonedds` and `fastrtps`
#1123 opened by Crola1702 - 8
Dynamically remap topic names
#1072 opened by fmrico - 1
- 0
👩🌾 ❄ Flaky `test_get_type_description_service__rmw_cyclonedds_cpp` & `rcl.TestGetTypeDescSrvFixture__rmw_cyclonedds_cpp.test_service_init_and_fini_functions` tests
#1108 opened by claraberendsen - 4
Make rcl_lifecycle transition errors more readable
#991 opened by alsora - 2
Contradicting code docs for rcl_publish and rmw_publish
#1041 opened by jrutgeer - 3
Add identifying information to the log message when duplicate nodes are created
#984 opened by jlack1987 - 2
Feature request: Sending an Action goal can be complexed, require difficult steps
#1079 opened by 130s - 9
Fix durability of service introspection topics
#1068 opened by nirwester - 4
Goal status corruption when goal takes longer to finishes than ActionServer's result_timeout
#970 opened by erikschuitema - 4
rcl_node_init uses wrong return code
#1046 opened by Deric-W - 0
Test `test_graph__rmw_connextdds` failing on nightly_win_rep
#1062 opened by Yadunund - 2
master branch is behind rolling branch
#1061 opened by pablogs9 - 0
Flaky test on Windows on the buildfarm: test_logging_rosout__rmw_connextdds
#1050 opened by clalancette - 17
- 4
Custom logging allocator not passed to rcutils_logging_initialize_with_allocator
#1036 opened by jrutgeer - 4
Rosout publisher always gets standard allocator
#1040 opened by jrutgeer - 6
Anonymous Nodes
#1034 opened by danthony06 - 0
- 3
yaml tag full support in rcl_yaml_param_parser
#1026 opened by fujitatomoya - 3
- 1
- 0
- 7
valgrind: Mismatched free / delete and other leaks
#1009 opened by christianrauch - 2
- 2
- 0
- 2
Fallback content filtering
#982 opened by fujitatomoya - 4
Guard condition not getting marked as ready in waitset (possible race condition?)
#989 opened by hoffmann-stefan - 1
- 2
RCL overwriting error state after rmw_create_node
#983 opened by allsey87 - 4
Inaccurate null validation for timer
#971 opened by NoyZuberi - 5
:man_farmer: Test failure on WIndows `test_subscription_not_initialized_with_content_filtering`
#975 opened by Blast545 - 9