- 2
Repeat 3d bounding box
#153 opened by wjie-gogogo - 1
Label Mapping for lidar segmentation
#130 opened by fengjiang5 - 6
3D Bounding box quality in camera view is poor.
#141 opened by al093 - 1
Still available to download this dataset?
#151 opened by albertojl24 - 2
- 0
how to convert ego point or lidar point each point to in map Latitude and longitude
#145 opened by sandeepjena7 - 1
Lidar file ext wrong
#140 opened by zjy01 - 1
How to convert 3dbox to ego?
#142 opened by qianmin - 2
Cannot download the dataset
#104 opened by AlfredQin - 0
No email received with download link
#136 opened by anshul-paigwar-oxb - 0
Unable to download the dataset
#105 opened by utkarshani - 0
semseg class labels
#132 opened by abhinine4 - 1
rotation order ZYX or ZXY?
#126 opened by chengjunlong0524 - 7
How to evaluating results?
#120 opened by Leozyc-waseda - 2
Questions about the coordinate axis
#121 opened by Joeless - 2
- 1
- 1
How to visualise point cloud data with bounding boxes
#115 opened by LGNWJQ - 8
Can't download dataset with university email
#90 opened by selmadeac - 1
About sematic segmentation data class.
#96 opened by zeng-hello-world - 0
Questions about color of camera data
#110 opened by chenyuntc - 0
Raw data from Pandar GT
#97 opened by jlbslbs - 4
Providede additional raw sweeplidar and is not a rigid transformation with existing sweeplidar 3D points
#84 opened by TWJianNuo - 0
How many object per class are label ?
#93 opened by hobantek01 - 0
- 0
i want to use this for personal use
#89 opened by FlashlightET - 1
about camera model
#74 opened by WSTao - 1
How to get all the labels of panda gt
#81 opened by coolzhangfeng - 10
Empty cuboids when plot
#61 opened by SeanZhang777 - 0
No label for 'Trolley' in the Pandaset
#85 opened by deepmeng - 2
Can't download data from Scale AI
#70 opened by ekwska - 4
Feature request: Can you provide Lidar Scan in Coordinate centered at Lidar Scanner?(Rather than in world coordinate system)
#80 opened by TWJianNuo - 2
Bounding box for 2D detection
#79 opened by GEngels - 1
Sensors: extrinsic calibration coordinate system
#71 opened by jlbslbs - 0
- 0
- 1
Data definitions and scope
#75 opened by majaidi - 2
- 2
Download error
#73 opened by deepmeng - 0
Name should be PandarSet instead of PandaSet?
#68 opened by HochGit - 5
What is the origin of ego coordinate system?
#67 opened by HochGit - 4
Is there original data of high frequency IMU?
#64 opened by minxuanjun - 6
Couldn't project cuboids to 2D camera image.
#65 opened by crackgfw - 0
pip package
#66 opened by kozmad - 1
Is Tracking Information provided?
#63 opened by saurabheights-ecr - 15
Points to Lidar Channels
#60 opened by sinjax - 0
- 0
Cleanup - Remove Test Data
#46 opened by nisseknudsen - 1
- 1