Metapackage that contains commonly used RT-Middleware-based modules. Althogh each of these packages by themselves are ROS-agnostic, you can use them over ROS together with the packages in rtmros_common.
- chiwunauJSK-Lab@Utokyo
- d130sDecatur, GA
- eisoku9618The University of Tokyo
- furushchev@GITAI
- garaemon@GITAI
- hikun5296the University of Tokyo
- hyaguchijskThe University of Tokyo
- inabajskThe University of Tokyo
- jhcloos
- k-kimuraThe University of Tokyo
- k-okadaTokyo, Japan
- kindseniorUniversity of Tokyo
- kochigamiKyoto University
- nagahama-ais
- ompugaoNanyang Technological University
- otsubo
- robograffittiThe University of Tokyo @jsk-ros-pkg @start-jsk
- s-noda
- Shingo-WatanabeUniversity of Tokyo
- snozawaJapan
- terasawa
- tnaka
- tohirose
- YoheiKakiuchiIRSL (Toyohashi Tech) @IRSL-tut
- yukizaki
- YuOhara
- YuyaNagamatsu