- acbuynakThe Ohio State University
- alexlt97
- AlvazzAlaska
- benthebear93SDU Robotics
- connectthefutureMidwest usa
- DammianMiller
- dpiet@CohesiveRobotics
- ericdirphone007
- EulerPiGauss
- gautz@ipa320
- GuancongLuokaitron robot
- harmanpaCAE Tech Limited
- helxszBrussels
- JeroenDMKU Leuven
- jmarsik
- JuanSantacolomaNational University of Colombia
- kukalbriiwa7Koc Holding
- lcongSHA
- lentychangMannheim
- livanov93
- LucasLabarussiatCEA-LIST
- michael-chikamchun
- michaelchi08MCKC
- ngunsuUniversidad San Sebastian
- ntrlmt
- rationalthug
- rosterlohRichard Osterloh Engineering Ltd
- seanyen@microsoft
- shishizhao1988河南 濮阳
- stevewenSignal Robotic
- syedAsrarAI
- TritiumRobotics
- umhan35University of South Florida
- willee2015
- ygao9795