Developing and Comparing Vision-based Algorithms for Vision-based Agile Flight
- 3
unexpected keyword argument 'policy_base' when running python3 -m python.run_vision_ppo --render 0 --train 1
#80 opened by Glanfaloth - 0
Units of depth map
#77 opened by Lu-tju - 4
- 0
Could not open file 'kingfisher.yaml
#82 opened by ZhongmouLi - 4
The terminate rule about boundary
#67 opened by tongtybj - 0
- 2
Toggle visibility of drones
#59 opened by Song-z-h - 0
Change of Obstacle shape on Unity
#79 opened by HarukiKozukapenguin - 9
Training On Camera Data
#54 opened by nmharmon8 - 5
Flightmare-Unity time out.
#58 opened by Song-z-h - 2
What scene will be used in the challenge?
#71 opened by MichaelBosello - 1
Feedthrough command timing out
#74 opened by adrianjselva - 0
Question on Submission Rules
#76 opened by gpauusa - 0
Acceptable submission formats
#73 opened by prafael18 - 0
Caught fatal signal - Flightmare
#72 opened by gorghino - 2
I haven't received any final update or deadline update or submission portal ? Also Could you provide me the email to contact
#66 opened by SadmanIslamAlif - 0
Install library in windows
#69 opened by AnabalonJT - 2
Domain randomization
#62 opened by HarukiKozukapenguin - 7
The rule of collision penalty
#65 opened by tongtybj - 1
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How will the test environment be defined?
#61 opened by yukaryote - 1
- 1
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goal_vel ?
#45 opened by HarukiKozukapenguin - 2
Which code desines "itaration" in eval funcion in when learning
#50 opened by HarukiKozukapenguin - 2
Drone control
#43 opened by KhuongDiep911 - 1
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Config.yaml and control structure
#56 opened by fudavd - 8
- 2
Unable to build flightlib
#49 opened by yukaryote - 2
- 1
Using published topics vs. user code
#51 opened by adrianjselva - 1
unity ignores first line in static obstacles
#53 opened by ykeuter - 1
Q: Depth camera tranformation?
#52 opened by fudavd - 2
Changing environment
#46 opened by ddirckx - 2
Goal check in RL
#48 opened by HarukiKozukapenguin - 1
- 1
Drone control
#42 opened by KhuongDiep911 - 1
- 0
No in launch_evaluation.bash
#30 opened by tongtybj - 1
Different conda env names
#27 opened by tongtybj - 1
reset env?
#35 opened by ngthanhtin - 1
#34 opened by ngthanhtin - 4
- 2
installation issues with ubuntu 18.04
#39 opened by IanYangChina - 2
unable to run visionenv_sim.launch file
#33 opened by deepak-1530 - 1
no IMU information available
#38 opened by Sheng-Cheng - 1
Training script - RL
#37 opened by marleyshan21 - 0
From RGBD to point cloud
#28 opened by jonarriza96 - 2