A list of robotics companies using the Robot Operating System (ROS and ROS 2).
- a-pastoreSiemens AG
- AbdelrahmanElsaidElsawyBeamNG.Tech
- abdulahad01Bangalore
- adiego73Rovereto, TN, Italy
- amanarora9848Yokohama, Japan
- AnBenPue
- arunabhcodeRobotics Engineer@Locomation
- dsoul
- el-geuseUniversity of Oxford
- enricosuteraTurin
- farhangnaderiURI
- fcaponettoDyson
- femust
- fzoric8Laboratory for Robotics and Intelligent Control Systems
- ganatraskBengaluru
- gurselturkeriİstanbul, Türkiye
- harishkumarb-tw
- HeathAE
- LoyVanBeekAigro
- maleroyPix4D SA
- MarzanShuvo
- maximilianwulf@ANYbotics
- mdfestoOpen Robotics
- murtazabasusynvert saracus
- nimaarteghzadehALBA Robot
- omichelCyberbotics Ltd.
- padhupradheep@neobotix
- peterpolidoroHoward Hughes Medical Institute
- rfzegThe Construct
- salihmarangozGermany
- Serafadam@luxonis
- sharath533
- themayursinhaTaxfix
- vanshilshah97University of Pennsylvania
- vmayoralAcceleration Robotics
- yongen9696FOZ One