
BDD Gherkin implementation in native SystemVerilog, based on UVM.

Primary LanguageSystemVerilogMIT LicenseMIT



Bathtub is a free open-source SystemVerilog package based on UVM that brings Agile Behavior-Driven Development (BDD) and Gherkin to the design and verification of integrated circuits, enabling executable specifications and true living documentation.

Behavior-Driven Development for Integrated Circuits

BDD helps you and your colleagues bring your diverse perspectives--business, design, verification, software--to the specification of new RTL features for your ASIC, SoC, FPGA, and IP projects. Together, you create living documentation that not only describes the intent, but also automatically checks the behavior of the device.

  • Write your chip design specs in Cucumber-compliant Gherkin, the de facto standard plain text file format for executable specifications.
  • Give concrete examples that illustrate functionality and guide front-end design.
  • Bathtub reads and parses your Gherkin files and runs them as automated acceptance tests against your RTL.
  • When the tests pass, you know your RTL behaves as the specs say it should.
  • BDD is not just for software development anymore; IC design and verification can be Agile too!
# Sample Gherkin feature file

Feature: Arithmetic Logic Unit division operations

    The arithmetic logic unit performs integer division.

    Scenario: With integer division, the remainder is discarded
        Given operand A is 15 and operand B is 4
        When the ALU performs the division operation
        Then the result should be 3
        And the DIV_BY_ZERO flag should be clear

    Scenario: Attempting to divide by zero results in an error
        Given operand A is 10 and operand B is 0
        When the ALU performs the division operation
        Then the DIV_BY_ZERO flag should be raised

Seamless Integration with Existing Verification Environments

As a design verification engineer, you use Bathtub to translate the natural language Gherkin files into self-checking SystemVerilog tests that exercise your DUT so you can close the BDD loop and drive to tapeout with confidence.

  • Bathtub is written entirely in SystemVerilog and UVM open source code; there are no additional applications to install or integrate.
  • Run Bathtub natively in your SystemVerilog simulator as an extension of your UVM tests, e.g., +UVM_TESTNAME=my_bathtub_test.
  • Reuse all your current verification components, unchanged.
  • With convenient Bathtub macros, write parameterized step definitions in the form of simple UVM virtual sequence classes for all the Given-When-Then steps in your Gherkin scenarios.
  • Include your Bathtub tests in your regression suites to validate changes to specs and RTL.
  • You're not limited to RTL; you can use BDD to document, implement, and unit-test stand-alone verification components or, for that matter, any isolated SystemVerilog code.
// Sample step definition: a UVM virtual sequence class

class set_operand_A_and_B_vseq extends alu_base_vsequence
        implements bathtub_pkg::step_definition_interface;

    `Given("operand A is %d and operand B is %d")

    int operand_A, operand_B;

    function new (string name="set_operand_A_and_B_vseq");
    endfunction : new

    virtual task body();
        // Extract the parameters
        operand_A = `step_parameter_get_next_arg_as(int);
        operand_B = `step_parameter_get_next_arg_as(int);

        // Do the actual work using the API in the base sequence
    endtask : body
endclass : set_operand_A_and_B_vseq

This repository contains the following:

Bathtub is written in SystemVerilog and requires a full-featured SystemVerilog simulator with UVM to run.

This repository also hosts the Bathtub web site, deployed from the pages branch and served to https://williaml33moore.github.io/bathtub/. These easy-to-remember bookmarkable URLs all redirect you to the home page:


Directory Contents

Name Description
README.md This file.