Quadrotor control using minimum snap trajectory optimization and SE3 geometric controller
- 07hokageUT Dallas
- 1347559641
- anicopter
- aravindsrj
- arenas7307979Taipei
- Boyang--LiUniversity of Newcastle
- bygreencnChina
- Doodle1106GI
- elebossThe University of Hong Kong
- ermolenkodev
- GreatenAnoymousUniversity of Science and Technology of China
- HaifengSuStuttgart, Germany
- harryting-yitingHKUST(GZ)
- hcao720
- hello1future
- HenryHuYuShanghai Jiaotong University
- john40532
- leomoons
- leonmkim
- levicorpus0407
- michaelchi08MCKC
- mojiajiqi
- NitinJSanketWorcester Polytechnic Institute
- onlytaileiChina
- optimize0107Korea Aerospace Univ'
- petertheprocess
- QianyuanLiu
- rong802
- shiyong-zhang
- sunhaoshui
- swcho84Cheongju University
- taec1227
- yk-ren
- YushuaiRen
- ZbyLGscSun Yat-sen University, China
- zhujiangchaoZhejiang University