robosuite: A Modular Simulation Framework and Benchmark for Robot Learning
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installation error(about evdev)
#559 opened by liaojiaxin97 - 3
Rendering is broken when vram is contested
#573 opened by mishmish66 - 2
- 1
Newer version of Python (3.12) breaks the way that offscreen rendering works
#569 opened by mishmish66 - 0
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[Feature]: Looking forward to your exit of new robotic arm models, such as Agilex's PiPER
#568 opened by Roundly - 6
How can i import my own diy robot into robosuite? Specific steps until I can use make to create the environment?
#535 opened by pancake-w - 0
Robosuite docs
#554 opened by kevin-thankyou-lin - 3
Reward modification to stabilize robot
#563 opened by garg-akash - 1
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Update CI to include all tests
#556 opened by kevin-thankyou-lin - 2
Viewer freezes after second reset
#555 opened by nickstr15 - 5
How to collect demonstrations using a script in the config of "control_delta = True"
#515 opened by Felixvillas - 2
Demo scripts bugs
#534 opened by youliangtan - 13
Bug when update to 1.5.0
#532 opened by Wu-Fisher - 1
fix delta control for mink control
#551 opened by snasiriany - 0
IK control for Panda Robot
#549 opened by Dingry - 3
Task customization
#526 opened by JojoSim0n - 1
Fail to render: sawyer robot has blank screen
#491 opened by spacegoing - 1
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EGL context is freed twice
#521 opened by MasonJohnHawver42 - 3
Translate the point clouds from different camera views to a unified world coordinate system.
#516 opened by pumfish - 4
problem to run quick start
#512 opened by Moj79a - 1
Numpy 2.0 issues
#507 opened by lorandcheng - 8
Error in quick start example
#506 opened by saeejithnair - 4
problem to use robosuite
#513 opened by Moj79a - 11
How to set joint type when loading custom MuJoCo xml ? Custom xml object not affected by gravity and suspend in mid air.
#511 opened by johnny-wang16 - 3
Image based RL for Robosuite
#483 opened by lakshitadodeja - 2
Add an object for visual only
#486 opened by GreenAvocado92 - 7
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Transformation matrices for multiple camera views
#494 opened by oliviaylee - 4
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A small question about the difference between the way of decomposing and composing different models in Mujoco applied in robosuite and that realized in pyMJCF
#508 opened by Yingfan99327 - 4
error after start robosuite
#509 opened by Moj79a - 5
About compatibility and installation
#504 opened by robokang - 2
About the IK controller's Inputs
#492 opened by super-dashuaibi - 6
Clarification on Gripper Q Velocity / Q Position
#503 opened by Victeldo - 9
Difficulties with sim-to-real applications
#502 opened by Victeldo - 3
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How to perform gripper action in "OSC_Pose" Control.
#500 opened by threedee003 - 1
Issue about install robosuite
#485 opened by Yingfan99327 - 1
Robosuite conflicting with Tensorflow
#487 opened by andrearosasco - 1
What about MJX
#493 opened by yangfengzzz - 1
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