- 3
register new sensor
#138 opened by odai93sh - 4
Is that works with the MiR250?
#136 opened by liyifei1997 - 2
Problems with chrony on MIR500
#137 opened by InigoMoreno - 4
ROS2 version ?
#92 opened by Yousseflah - 3
Migrate to modern Gazebo
#133 opened by azeey - 3
Error with Running the World Warehouse Gazebo World
#135 opened by odai93sh - 4
- 24
Goal to MiR doesn't work
#129 opened by arielc-brillianetor - 2
Problems when sending it to goal
#132 opened by lagartoxa - 3
Modifying move_base on internal MiR PC
#94 opened by mintar - 1
Installing chrony on the MiR
#131 opened by matchRos - 0
transform failed error hector_mapping.launch
#127 opened by Gaurav37 - 1
Gazebo Ignition Version?
#124 opened by philipplelidis - 0
Mir-robot Gazebo control joystick
#125 opened by VictorRoBT - 1
Install all dependencies in docker-file using apt
#121 opened by brean - 1
Error mir_gazebo mir_maze_world.launch
#123 opened by nbsnbs - 3
General problems / missing details?
#119 opened by lliendo - 2
[mir_description] Why the visual of the base is shifted by `mir_act_wheel_dx`?
#122 opened by torydebra - 1
Compatibility with version 2.8.x broken?
#118 opened by moooeeeep - 6
Adding additional 3D sensors
#81 opened by ComplexSysSolutions - 5
Did anyone attempt to extend the navigation stack for navigation with a trailer / cart attached (via MiR Hook)?
#111 opened by moooeeeep - 1
compatibility with gazebo11
#110 opened by sy8008 - 1
any chance to open source how mir setting the one-way path and priority aera ?
#109 opened by fatgenius - 2
Transforms missing Rviz
#95 opened by azizs1 - 1
- 2
Switching modes
#102 opened by fdumaire - 2
- 4
Starting missions from ROS bridge
#74 opened by BenziF - 2
Spawning MiR Robot into AWS Small Warehouse World
#105 opened by rllyryan - 1
Follow me Algorithm on MiR250 using ROS
#100 opened by R0b0tics123 - 2
Decrypt Error logs of MiR 200
#104 opened by Hardikrathod01 - 2
robot_state_publisher hz
#101 opened by narutojxl - 8
imu noise of mir
#99 opened by narutojxl - 1
Can't change resolution of map yaml
#93 opened by lawrenceztang - 2
Orientation missing in Path while using driver / reverse trajectories unable to execute in simulation
#91 opened by rodubero - 4
- 1
Unknown error initiating TCP/IP socket
#86 opened by brean - 4
Warning: TF_REPEATED_DATA ignoring data with redundant timestamp for frame odom_comb
#88 opened by fjp - 3
Loading own map wtih multiple robots
#83 opened by ljaniec - 8
controlling 2 mirs
#84 opened by ahaanairy - 2
need some data on how to implement virtual wall in costmap do i have to write a plugin for that
#89 opened by jamesjamal - 1
fake_localization not working in noetic
#87 opened by matteolucchi - 2
launching multiple robots using single launch file
#85 opened by ahaanairy - 7
Spawn multiple MiR100's into maze
#73 opened by rigopeti96 - 2
rviz move_base_simple/goal not working
#76 opened by JacksonK9 - 2
How to create map with Gmapping
#77 opened by IST-DEV20 - 8
MIR Navigation start_planner issues.
#80 opened by mattias-wiberg - 1
Help with posting to a mission queue
#75 opened by michael-chikamchun - 1
- 3