PhD candidate at HIT. Point Cloud Segmentation, Place Recognition and Multi-robot System
Harbin Institute of TechnologyShenzhen
Grandzxw's Following
- ailab-konkukKorea, South
- beltrameMIST Lab
- BIT-XJYBeijing Institute of Technology
- CVMI-LabThe University of Hong Kong
- dongjae0107Seoul National University
- dvlab-research
- FlyingGiraffeStanford University
- Gatsby23SJTU
- georg-bnChalmers University of Technology
- haofeixuETH Zurich
- haomo-aiChina
- HKUST-Aerial-RoboticsCYT 2014A, HKUST, Clear Water Bay, Kowloon. Hong Kong
- huixianchengInnovusion Inc.
- InternLMChina
- jac99
- jingnanshiMassachusetts Institute of Technology
- Lab-of-AI-and-RoboticsKorea, South
- ldkong1205National University of Singapore
- Lu-FengSIGS, Tsinghua University
- lucidrainsSan Francisco
- mit-han-labMIT
- MIVRCShanghai
- nerfstudio-projectUnited States of America
- nicolas-chaulet@CanoaPBC
- nubot-nudtnudt
- openai
- PJLab-ADGChina
- psc0628Bonn University
- pytorch-labs
- syedalamabbasUSA
- teslamotors
- timothybrooks@openai
- tutunarslETHz Robotic Sytems Lab
- wpeeblesOpenAI
- xinshuowengNVIDIA
- xxlong0