Set of plugins, models and worlds to use with OSRF Gazebo Simulator in SITL and HITL.
- acfloriaETH Zurich
- AndreasAntener
- AntiheavyMinnesota
- bansiestaFuerteventura
- bkueng@Auterion
- burrimiETH Zürich Autonomous Systems Lab
- catch-twenty-two@TMobile
- dagarGainesville, Florida
- davidregister
- eyeam3
- hamishwilleeJenosam Pty Ltd
- hsu
- Jaeyoung-LimETH Zurich
- jhcloos
- jinger26hackster.io
- justicelee
- jywilson
- limhyonSan Francisco, U.S.A.
- LorenzMeier@Auterion
- mswingtrawingtra
- PX4BuildBotZurich
- px4dev
- r0gelion
- RomanBapstZurich
- sandyUni
- sjwilksUAVenture AG
- slamj1SaasyCloud™.com
- tfoote@intrinsic-ai
- thomasgubler
- tripod327
- TSC21@launchfirestorm
- tstastnyAuterion
- umaeder
- vilhjalmur89
- yyassaWingtra - Aerial Robotics
- ZefzNorway