
installation for windows users

11whitewater opened this issue · 3 comments

For windows users , how do I install rofunc?

Hi, thank you for your support of our package.
However, since the Isaac Gym simulator only supports Linux, we highly recommend using a Linux system. Besides, if you want to try the algos with other simulators (like OpenAI Gym), You can simply try pip install rofunc -U (python 3.7/3.8). But I test it mainly on Ubuntu 18.04/20.04, I'm not sure what issues you will face.
You can paste the issue here and I will try to solve it.

感谢您的回复,我尝试在conda创建的python=3.7的虚拟环境中进行了rofunc的安装,输入【Quick start】章节中的from isaacgym import gymutil语句就会报错RuntimeError: No gym module found for the active version of Python (3.7)
,应该是与您回复时提及的Isaac Gym simulator有关,我也尝试安装了不同版本的gym模块,但都无法解决这一问题。

是的,isaac gym 仿真器仅支持Linux系统。另外Quick start亟待更新,还是处于v0.0.1之前的状态。我今天会更新一下。