- 6
No convergence at franka panda
#36 opened by PARKBONG - 1
#44 opened by StoneT2000 - 7
Support for more complex kinematic trees where not all active joints are used for inverse kinematics solving
#42 opened by StoneT2000 - 1
Wrong Jacobian matrix calculation for UR5
#31 opened by lidonghui-ai - 1
Wrong FK for UR5
#30 opened by lidonghui-ai - 1
Floating-base Model from SDF?
#37 opened by alberthli - 2
- 0
- 0
Exception: Invalid Geometric Tag: capsule
#40 opened by StoneT2000 - 2
Version 0.7 on pypi does not import properly
#38 opened by atommoyer - 1
What jacobian is computed exactly?
#34 opened by JonathanKuelz - 1
floating joints
#33 opened by ZhengmaoHe - 5
Feature request: coupled joints
#6 opened by johannespitz - 5
Gradients w.r.t. joint displacements
#28 opened by JonathanKuelz - 1
composite joints not supported
#23 opened by gautica - 2
get_matrix() function takes around 0.5 second ?! It is an issue for online control.
#24 opened by LyuJZ - 2
- 1
Incompatibility of rotation transformations in version <= 0.4.0 and >= 0.4.1
#19 opened by jangerritha - 4
Error when load mjcf file for mujoco
#20 opened by JYChen18 - 2
- 0
more tests for Jacobian
#15 opened by niwhsa9 - 1
- 5
- 2
- 1
Install test required model files
#16 opened by LemonPi - 0
Jacobian calculation assumes frame of child link is the same as the joint frame
#14 opened by niwhsa9 - 1
- 1
Errors in forward_kinematics for fixed joints
#2 opened by sjauhri - 1
- 4
Data extraction
#1 opened by ruchik-eng