[RSS2023] Metric-Free Exploration for Topological Mapping by Task and Motion Imitation in Feature Space
- bushuhuiNorthwestern Polytechnical University
- Daffan
- dklee98KAIST
- DoongLiUniversity of Macau
- doron-imagry
- engcangKAIST
- fentuolicityu
- fly51flyPRIS
- FreeecodeChengdu , China
- GaaaavinNew York University
- giangdao1402Hanoi University of Science and Techology
- IrvingF7Ghost
- jmargetaKardioMe
- justicelee
- l226294University of Chinese Academy of Sciences
- LouieBHLuColumbia University
- lucianzhongshanghai
- mihaibujancaUniversity of Manchester
- PigletPh
- Poaos
- qingchen-biNKU
- RoboticsYimingLi
- SandalotsVolcanak
- seanliu7081WPI
- simbaforrestNew York University
- sjYoondeltarSeoul
- taiyipanNYU Tandon School of Engineering
- wmh02240
- yuhanghe01Vancouver, BC