
Huge translations, out of reality/issues with point collection.

Mikor-mkr opened this issue · 2 comments

Hi everyone, I have some issues with the point collection and the results are bad.

I get results like these:
Rotation in Euler angles:
RMSE: 420.258

Which are clearly wrong. Although I have some issues with point picking as well. Sometimes I can pick lines and sometimes it says to move to the next object. Any ideas?

@Mikor-mkr , did you have issues with the aruco mapping? I have had issues with the the point picking windows only showing up sometimes.

hello @miriamrebekah, I think aruco mapping works well, correct me if I'm wrong but this node is only using the rgb topic. The issue with the point picking procedure is that sometimes when I pick a line the node returns to move to the next object as I marked the whole target (when in reality I've only marked one side of it).