[ECCV'24] SLEDGE: Synthesizing Driving Environments with Generative Models and Rule-Based Traffic
- aakrem
- aangelopoulosUniversity of California, Berkeley
- ajinkyapuarPune, India
- Alan-LanFeng
- AndreiBarsanUniversity of Toronto, Waabi
- axelbrTU Wien
- DanielDaunerUniversity of Tübingen
- evdcush
- farabi1038Real-Time Analytics of Transportation Data Lab
- fauzishoGermany
- haibao-yuThe University of Hong Kong
- hircaBavaria, Germany
- hli2020OpenDriveLab
- hungdcheUIUC
- jurjsorinliviuChemnitz, Germany
- Kait0University of Tübingen
- kashyap7xUniversity of Tübingen
- kevinekitabu
- lauesaBastian Mobile Robotics, Toyota Advanced Logistics
- ljaniecWrocław University of Science and Technology
- mmintsGermany
- mschrader15SciTec
- nsidePalo Alto
- oz182
- RLuke22Mila
- SaashaJoshiCMC Microsystems
- saxenam06Bangalore
- sjYoondeltarSeoul
- SmorodovRussian Federation
- soyeongkimAutomotive intelligence lab @ailab-hanyang
- yjmadeNVIDIA
- yongshangli
- zachytongshanghai
- zhaoyongqi2022TU Graz
- ZiWang1105
- ZJ0419ahpu