Determine size of i-cache
wronkiew-ghs opened this issue · 2 comments
PRM 8.5.1 says the dicawics index field is right-aligned with unused bits 0. If the unused bits read as zero, the debugger can set them and read back the size of the i-cache. We configured EH1 with a 16-KB icache. Setting the top bits of index reads back 1's. Is this correct operation? If so, is there another way to determine the number of cache lines implemented?
The I-cache diagnostic access registers don't provide the capability to determine the I-cache size. The index field of the dicawics register does not have WARL behavior. However, this contradicts the statement in Section 8.5 that, unless otherwise noted, all read/write fields are WARL. We will add a note to the index field description clarifying this.
Thank you for bringing this to our attention!
Thank you for the explanation.