
Stall point

kingstone1927 opened this issue · 5 comments

How can I know when the core is stalled when running? is there a way for me to display/know the cycle when the core is stalled?

Thanks in advance

Hi @kingstone1927,

SweRV's performance monitor counters allow for counting stall events. So if you want to know the internal signals for stall events, the simplest would be to look at the signals from the various blocks to the perf counter logic in the dec block.

Here are the signals at the dec level for stall events :


Hope this helps!

@aprnath Thank you!

The simulation generates the exec.log file. Do you know if there is a way for me explicitly display "stalled cycled" on the exec.log.
I am trying to see exactly what is happening at the instruction level: what happens to the entire core when one unit is stalled, where exactly a stall happens and when it happens. Do you know if it is possible to do that and which tools I can use to do it?


Yes, it is definitely possible. The exec.log file is created in testbench/, and all the code to monitor the commits and print the info is in that file (around line 330):
You can add any additional formatted monitors in the testbench and have them write to the exec.log file handle (el) with the appropriate timestamps to show what is happening in the pipeline.

@aprnath Wow this is really cool! Thanks!

I will take a look at the file.

Good luck!