
Machine Timer Interrupt

HamzaShabbir517 opened this issue · 8 comments

Hello i want to know does the feature of Machine timer interrupt is enable in the new branch of SweRV El2. As previously i got a response that
timer_int input is not configurable and causes another interrupt than PIC interrupts. FIR feature is not activated with timer interrupt.

olofk commented

I don't know what the FIR feature is, so perhaps I misunderstand the question, but the machine timer interrupt works fine. I use it in SweRVolf

Can you guide me how did it use it. As i was able to configure the internal timers but was unsuccessful with the Machine Timer Interrupt

Hamza, the machine timer interrupt is an input pin to the core. Your SOC needs to have a CLINT or some other timer component. If it is programmable and on your system bus, you can program it via the core using ld/st to the memory mapped IO.

FIR is a Fast Interrupt Redirect mechanism that is available in EL2/EH2 which allows external interrupts via the PIC to use a vector table in the DCCM directly to speed up interrupt handling.

Actually the quote i added was a reply to me by @agrobman.

Screenshot from 2022-02-16 20-50-44

Hamza, just to re-iterate on my previous comment : timer_int is an input to the core. Within the core, you can use it per the RISC-V standard - it is a defined architectural function, with enable/disable via MIE and a specified mcause.

How this interrupt is generated and delivered to the core is not part of EH2, but usually a timer module in your SOC or a CLINT in your SOC will provide this functionality.

This is a completely different feature than the external interrupt mechanism that the EH2 PIC provides, as indicated by @agrobman.

yes i have a timer peripheral which generates the interrupt externally. But there is no information on how to configure this timer_int of the core. Can u help me with that

mstatus[MIE] = 1, mie[MTIE] = 1 should enable M-timer interrupts - see riscv priv spec ..

ok thanks