[ICLR 2022] Official implementation of paper: Efficient Learning of Safe Driving Policy via Human-AI Copilot Optimization
- araffin@DLR-RM
- binderwang
- CarlDegionorthwest polytechnical university
- choisztNanyang Technological University
- chuangyu-roboticsUniversity of Manchester
- crazyleeth
- denghan6688
- dsx-aishanghai
- emigmoTsinghua University
- fly51flyPRIS
- FM-He
- ForrestPiXi’an Jiaotong University
- Hang-ShiSJTU
- hotco87GIST
- hunter55555Northwest Polytechnical University
- hyaihjq
- jihaonewCUHK, MMLab
- lmc19970711
- Lucky-LanceThe Chinese University of Hong Kong
- nanxintinHuawei Noah's Ark Lab
- pengzhenghaoLos Angeles
- phil8192thr33 black crows
- QuanyiLi
- redareadyAix en provence, France <-> Tokyo, Japan
- ricklentzMonterey, California
- shyamsn97
- simonJJJDAMO Academy
- sookoor
- sudo-michaelVancouver, BC
- wangtuo0820
- wangyixiangmake what you think running on the machine
- wenjie-moZipRecruiter
- WilliamWu96
- xgj2github
- xiaoweidao
- yuzhouxianzhiSoutheast University