- 3
could not choose the laser sensor.
#134 opened by retrodorian - 1
My robot turns too much
#133 opened by Pattapol2005 - 2
Robot is not reaching to goal position and getting structed in between.
#132 opened by souravchandrasaha - 1
AMCL particles not appearing on rviz2
#131 opened by hemsinghb - 0
Realsense device not found
#130 opened by souravchandrasaha - 1
transform for Odom frame.
#129 opened by iliar-rabet - 1
Mecanum drive robot navigation yaml file
#128 opened by dengxingyu - 0
No transform from wheels to map (Gazebo)
#127 opened by rxtm0001 - 18
linorobot2 : when moves in real environment hitting objects which are left /right side which are not in same height of LIDAR plane
#123 opened by hemsinghb - 2
Build failed for esp32
#124 opened by iiZtZahran - 2
- 1
linorobot2 : when moves in real environment hitting objects which are left /right side which are not in same height of LIDAR plane
#122 opened by hemsinghb - 13
Using 2 ESP32 Devkit's
#121 opened by cantkntmr - 50
ESP32 issues anyone?
#119 opened by tbalatka - 11
Map continuously rotating with RPLidar A1
#113 opened by souravchandrasaha - 5
Navigation Issue
#118 opened by aimethierry - 4
Can i use linorobot without depth_sensor?
#79 opened by fordft168 - 5
Simulation issue
#117 opened by aimethierry - 7
Flickering ROBOT POSE in RVIZ
#67 opened by stalinADAQ - 1
Problem with armv7 and docker osrf
#108 opened by tbop-R - 1
Sonar Sensors _ Obstruction Layer to linorobot2
#115 opened by hemsinghb - 2
Humble install failure: ydlidar
#116 opened by tbalatka - 1
inclusion of sonar (USS) sensor on linorobot2
#93 opened by hemsinghb - 1
linorobot2 install bash error ( Galactic )
#70 opened by Sylvania2 - 2
No communication between linorobot and host
#57 opened by FrGe2016 - 1
what happens when runtime is set to gpu?
#107 opened by mahesh11T - 1
[ERROR] [launch]: Caught exception in launch (see debug for traceback): 'oakdlite'
#96 opened by otomoov - 1
Gazebo install fails on Host
#61 opened by JHPHELAN - 0
Using Realsense D435i IMU Data
#106 opened by mich1342 - 2
docker typo ?
#105 opened by Sylvania2 - 0
Swerve drive
#104 opened by samuk - 2
rplidar A1M8 not working
#84 opened by otomoov - 0 on humble fails
#94 opened by gitisacatsname - 4
install_linorobot2.bash fails at line 150
#86 opened by luapsake - 2
- 5
linorobot2 bringup issue on Ubuntumate22.04.3
#85 opened by hemsinghb - 2
Could you add the camera : OAK-D lite ?
#60 opened by jeff02G - 3
linorobot2 with A2M12 LIDAR problem...
#78 opened by hemsinghb - 1
minium HW required
#68 opened by tbop-R - 1
- 3
- 4
32-bit support?
#72 opened by tbop-R - 0
Large robot jerks and runs slowly
#76 opened by Russ76 - 6
about navigation problem
#73 opened by LaiVernon - 3
- 5
Humble install fails - rosdep microros
#65 opened by brianlmerritt - 4
No transform from [ALL_WHEELS] to map
#64 opened by JoaquinUrrisa - 0
extrapolation error
#66 opened by mjoksiglandi - 2
Linorobot2 wrapper for other 4 wheel robots
#63 opened by brianlmerritt - 1
Lino2 in action
#62 opened by Russ76