- 0
Kinect doesn't turn on / no image
#284 opened by Reinaldo-Kn - 1
No transforms for depth, rgb and imu frames
#283 opened by ShivaKPuppala - 3
[FATAL] [1691069372.183638523]: Failed to poll cameras: node cannot continue.
#272 opened by gyt290811 - 1
Query on Publishing 2D Skeleton Pixel Positions
#282 opened by rsliu-hri - 4
Failed to poll cameras: node cannot continue.
#215 opened by ymxlzgy - 7
- 0
[ROS2 humble] tf_prefix parameter is not declared
#279 opened by Tacha-S - 0
body_tracking_data topic doesn't have a header
#278 opened by Nick-Sun1018 - 2
parameter 'sensor_sn' has invalid type: expected [string] got [integer]
#277 opened by furkansariyildiz - 0
Two cameras using the same topic name
#276 opened by CGuangyan-BIT - 3
- 4
Installation problem
#274 opened by simahsa - 2
- 5
Humble Support?
#256 opened by tonynajjar - 0
Compressed Image Transport - PNG compression requires 8/16-bit encoded color format (input format is: 32FC1)
#273 opened by Yaxun-Yang - 2
- 0
Body Tracking SDK (1.1.2) is not Working With ROS Humble Branch directly On Windows 10
#270 opened by Mujadid-Ali - 6
Support Noetic with latest Azure Kinect SDK on 20.04.
#234 opened by ooeygui - 0
Enable Composition and inter process communication
#268 opened by tonynajjar - 1
MJPEG decode failed: -1 in Docker
#258 opened by nfs-chris - 3
Depthcloud and Pointcloud2 not consistent in Rviz
#232 opened by petpetpeter - 1
High CPU Load on default setting
#266 opened by MightyMirko - 0
- 2
TF Tree for Azure is not regulary updating
#262 opened by ndaley7 - 0
Synchronize kinects on different hosts
#263 opened by rouzinho - 0
- 2
Having the driver node running breaks our URDF
#260 opened by dpt5216 - 1
Question: How to grab images from image topics.
#259 opened by dpt5216 - 1
- 2
Empty Default Value ROS2 Launch Failure
#246 opened by nfs-chris - 1
Is it possible to convert 1024x1024 depth image into a 1024x1024x3 point cloud?
#252 opened by JeffR1992 - 1
- 0
- 3
- 0
- 0
Align Person Tracking to REP-155
#245 opened by ooeygui - 4
On "color spill", or "flying pixels"
#235 opened by francescomilano172 - 5
How to use ROS-Driver to drive multiple kinects?
#236 opened by 2361098148 - 2
Synchronize more than three camera
#239 opened by jieunko - 1
Frame_id of camera info is empty
#218 opened by Tacha-S - 1
Enhancing URDF Model
#237 opened by exo-core - 3
Transform function pixel_2d_to_point_3d
#233 opened by ridasaleem0 - 2
- 0
wrong image timestamps under heavy load
#228 opened by christian-rauch - 0
How to reconstruct k4a::capture data
#226 opened by horibirds - 3
- 0
Misleading k4abt cmake message
#223 opened by oblitorum - 1
IMU publisher thread using too much CPU
#219 opened by omar-abugharbiyeh - 0
undefined use of alpha channel
#217 opened by christian-rauch - 0
new binary release
#216 opened by christian-rauch