- achuthrajulaTesla
- attomanInha University
- ChangSeonKimSeoul
- csp00275SKKU
- curieuxjyRobotics Innovatory at SKKU
- Dev93junhoIncheon, Republic of Korea
- DrawingProcessPenta Security (Mobile Server Developer)
- DronetdspDronetDSP Ltd, Co.
- escortKwonUniversity of Ulsan
- fachrymaulIndonesia
- futurianh1k
- gh003008
- hskim617
- hyeongjunk05Toronto
- impelfinSeoul. Korea
- JehyunCha
- jh00817Korea univ mechanical engineering, and kouno soft
- jihoson94
- jonghee-sonTech University of Korea
- jstar0525Rendezvue
- Lee-JaeWonCILAB @ Yonsei Univ.
- leeyunhome
- mangoandbanana
- MilyangParkJaeHun
- moto6korea
- NamWooUnity Technologies
- Notion33Seoul, Korea
- Petrox@Rescube
- PymZoR@billetweb
- robotpilotROBOTIS
- routiful@42dot
- shark-211
- SwepzMälardalen University
- swgu931
- Taeyoung96Robotics Lab, Hyundai Motor Company
- ulsanether