ROS-Industrial Special Project: Cartesian Path Planner
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The "AxialSymmetricPt::FreeAxis axis" means free rotation about axis of world frame or base_link of robot, Which Cause strange orientaion of path when applicated in a blending project, requiring blending tool vertical to blending surface.
#263 opened by TiderFang - 4
Release for noetic
#248 opened by machinekoder - 3
Release into Indigo+
#194 opened by 130s - 0
Missing enum in DensePlanner error_map
#261 opened by mfinean - 6
when I use descartes to move a specf cartesian path ,I found that the robot will cause collision to the environment
#257 opened by dbdxnuliba - 2
Why descartes can't consider collision with planning scene in moveit after I has set " model->setCheckCollisions(true)
#260 opened by dbdxnuliba - 0
symbol lookup error
#259 opened by vivekcdavid - 4
Using Descartes with attached collision objects
#244 opened by julien-audet - 3
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when I use descartes to move a specf cartesian path ,I found that the robot trajectory will cause collision to the environment
#256 opened by dbdxnuliba - 2
in class DAGSearch , what alogrithm do you use ,DFS or Dijkstra or other alogrithm?
#255 opened by dbdxnuliba - 1
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Issue with Niryo One robot
#251 opened by zakimohzani - 2
Issue of linking executable descartes_move
#252 opened by gy2256 - 4
Initialze planning graph using the robotstate
#213 opened by BasJ93 - 7
inconsistent tcp_frame in model and ikfast
#249 opened by jhu-gh - 0
Which IK Solver and Manipulator model for UR5 to work Best with Descartes
#247 opened by blackhorsewu - 5
tool_pt orientation_tolerance seems not working
#243 opened by jacknlliu - 5
Robot base and tool offsets corrected for twice when using descartes with IKFast plugin generated by MoveIt.
#241 opened by avwhite - 1
Question regarding the collision avoidance capabilities
#238 opened by bgd29 - 6
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error: no matching function for call to ‘moveit::core::JumpThreshold::JumpThreshold()
#232 opened by TardiSs6 - 0
Not calculating edge weights to nil ID
#231 opened by Teeerry - 4
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Failure at compilation
#219 opened by VictorLamoine - 0
catkin packages can be improved
#221 opened by VictorLamoine - 3
catkin build errors
#205 opened by mcevoyandy - 1
kinetic-devel branch build error
#209 opened by mlautman - 15
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Problem with Changing Rotation Matrix along Path
#217 opened by demorise - 9
Use Descartes on a 6-dof robot with linear track?
#210 opened by yijiangh - 20
Support on CartTrajectoryPt with flexibility on provided z axis orientation candidates
#200 opened by yijiangh - 0
Does Decartes still need MoveitStateAdapters?
#215 opened by hsd-dev - 4
Randomly added offset in planned path
#214 opened by haisongdong-harrison - 1
#203 opened - 1
model->initialize(robot_description, group_name, world_frame, tcp_frame) segfaults when no robot_description present
#185 opened by JKBehrens - 1
Any hope for using this with python?
#201 opened by jwhendy - 0
Update wiki to include Kinetic
#211 opened by maxgittelman - 8
selfcollisionchecking fails
#204 opened by bgl91 - 3
Serializing and deserializing ladder graph?
#206 opened by yijiangh - 7
Extra IK-Fast Solutions
#193 opened by Jmeyer1292 - 3
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questions on ptr class reference
#199 opened - 2
Set collision checking true
#192 opened by JeroenDM - 2
Could not connect to action server
#191 opened by jasonvank - 1
How to change the speed from defined point to another point while using descartes?
#189 opened by jasonvank - 4
How to avoid the robot collision in descartes
#190 opened by jasonvank - 1
Fail to catkin_make descartes pacakge
#188 opened by jasonvank - 1
Segfault while using planner.planPath(points)
#186 opened by JKBehrens - 3
Can't plan more than once
#184 opened by BrettHemes