
"unknown message class 'unity_robotics_demo_msgs/PosRot'"

ShroyerL opened this issue · 0 comments


I followed the tutorial presented within this repo to reproduce the cube example in which it rotates and publishes the orientation to my ROS terminal. When I finally hit play, the error message reads "unknown message class 'unity_robotics_demo_msgs/PosRot'". This is the name of the message within PosRotMsg.cs generated by Unity when I build my ROS messages with the tool in the "Robotics>Generate ROS messages" tool. See lines 11 thru 14 of PosRotMsg.cs below:

public class PosRotMsg : Message
public const string k_RosMessageName = "unity_robotics_demo_msgs/PosRot";
public override string RosMessageName => k_RosMessageName;