Central repository for tools, tutorials, resources, and documentation for robotics simulation in Unity.
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After running ros2 run ros_tcp_endpoint default_server_endpoint --ros-args -p ROS_IP:=, nothing happens.
#391 opened by gkgkgkgk - 6
Failed to build WebGL using PickandPlaceProject
#366 opened by qianxf001 - 0
Support for Unsubscribe and Unadvertise
#421 opened by PetterVMC - 5
Run roslaunch niryo_moveit part_2.launch but process has died [pid 10010, exit code 127
#392 opened by bi1mena - 0
Ros action implementation
#420 opened by lucvt001 - 1
How can I control the robot using FK ?
#369 opened by pml07 - 1
Trigger service call crashes ros_tcp_endpoint Node
#390 opened by wyattrees - 3
Connected but fast Disconnected and then recurrent both, the terminal info ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'unity_robotics_demo_msgs.unity_robotics_demo_msgs_s__rosidl_typesupport_c'
#418 opened by lifuboshiqikuangsan - 0
ros_unity_integration tf message no module error on docker container setup for both melodic and noetic.
#419 opened by onrdmr - 2
ERROR: failed to solve: process "/bin/sh -c sudo apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys
#400 opened by suerich93 - 3
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import robot's urdf without color
#414 opened by stellacheng21 - 0
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UDP support request
#375 opened by palwanishan - 0
#412 opened by Yuanzizizi - 0
error creating docker file:
#410 opened by erichfrazer - 2
RosConnection.Update() spiking to >180ms execution. This thread-blocking causes bad frame spikes when Playing.
#409 opened by cokumura2019 - 1
WebGL build
#395 opened by jabrail-chumakov - 1
Continuously connecting and disconnecting while throwing exceptions on server side
#408 opened by krajFHI - 3
I want to use unity to connect to multiple ROS systems, but it doesn't seem to work
#401 opened by wenhaogan9898 - 0
failed to deserialize ROS message: Fast CDR exception deserializing message of type std_srvs::srv::dds_::Empty_Response_.
#407 opened by theksg - 3
unity_robotics_demo_msgs failing for colcon build
#405 opened by theksg - 0
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Creating multiple ros connection instances
#381 opened by afatsum93 - 1
Lidar Scan Visualization Inconsistent with Gazebo
#402 opened by keli95566 - 0
Project lost when updating Unity Hub
#399 opened by samsara24 - 3
Pick-and-place Part2 Connection failed
#373 opened by Nekomiya-fubuki - 0
Unity doesn't show point cloud
#398 opened by mericgeren - 0
ROS Connection script doesn't work
#396 opened by mericgeren - 0
Extraction of MessageQueue full via variable Bug in msg getting duplicated.
#397 opened by florianspy - 0
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Reporting a vulnerability
#393 opened by igibek - 1
Import Robot Programmatically
#365 opened by dyumanaditya - 0
Missing link to source code Articulation Body API in Joint Control Script section
#386 opened by sergiosolorzano - 3
TCP connection failed in Unity in Pick and Place Tutorial—part 2 (using docker)
#384 opened by owlmoo - 0
UWP Built fresh project doesn't work (VS project unloaded), and duplicate assimp.dll
#388 opened by sergiosolorzano - 1
Holoens 2 doesn't connect to ROS
#387 opened by sergiosolorzano - 1
Odometry not found.
#383 opened by fig-shimooka - 1
RosPublisherExample gives warning in ROS2 Humble
#377 opened by Skarsh - 0
Move the HUD window that has the ROS IP on it easily on to other areas in the scene in unity.
#382 opened by hassanb199 - 0
What's the practice to do torque control?
#380 opened by WenqiangX - 0
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weird target angle
#376 opened by seifmostafa73 - 2
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Unable to publish images with URP
#372 opened by babindemers - 0
Mobile robot loses balance when arms are moving
#371 opened by AlonArditi - 0
Add a pose to the Pick and Place Trajectory Planner
#370 opened by rbriki - 0
Found unnecessary sentences in README
#368 opened by zmsn - 0