- 4
- 13
4Wheel Drive Autonmous Driving
#91 opened by prajwalthakur - 4
Lyapunov Based Stability
#93 opened by prajwalthakur - 3
- 1
Optimal Cost at Each time step .
#92 opened by prajwalthakur - 7
getContouringCost() detailed description
#77 opened by Geonhee-LEE - 0
Is there a guideline to easily and reliably configure the various weights of the evaluation function?
#89 opened by JustMrZuo - 2
Possible indexation problem
#85 opened by KarasevPavel - 1
What is ZHO?
#88 opened by ziyi-joe - 5
How can I run the code in MATLAB
#87 opened by Vonct - 5
Question about Track
#86 opened by KarasevPavel - 5
Build instructions for new CppAD-codegen
#82 opened by ckurtz22 - 1
cost function
#74 opened by wulemao - 0
New Features
#79 opened by alexliniger - 1
Using Hpipm in Matlab
#76 opened by dreamonJure - 2
Repo for work with GP
#58 opened by seanjkanderson - 3
C++ build error
#72 opened by Geonhee-LEE - 6
- 4
How to add new soft constraints for velocity
#67 opened by alexbuyval - 1
Passing in state of 0s into solveMPC()
#63 opened by kheng-yu - 1
About the State Parameters
#61 opened by naveenkumar4922 - 1
About the InitialGuess function
#60 opened by Anderson0609 - 3
Waypoints- input explanation
#53 opened by Akhil2194 - 4
Steering constraint to avoid crash
#59 opened by AIDRI - 1
where is the latency between the vehicle and the code considered or can be considered?
#57 opened by Akhil2194 - 4
- 8
New waypoints as input
#54 opened by Akhil2194 - 2
Normalisation for QP
#52 opened by dwirya - 1
Selection of reference path spacing
#51 opened by chentairan - 1
#49 opened by DreamonZhu - 1
#48 opened by DreamonZhu - 3
#47 opened by DreamonZhu - 5
wrap data
#45 opened by DreamonZhu - 1
discrete model
#44 opened by DreamonZhu - 1
make failed
#43 opened by buchiyangcong - 2
normalized state and input
#46 opened by DreamonZhu - 5
./ failed
#39 opened by DreamonZhu - 10
The full size parameters of the c++
#30 opened by Serenos - 3
Extremely small change of delta
#36 opened by chentairan - 2
Work of plotBox method of Plotting class
#38 opened by KarasevPavel - 4
About the local coordinate system conversion
#37 opened by chentairan - 6
Parameters of the full size car model
#26 opened by chentairan - 4
C++ implementation question
#27 opened by LiJiangnanBit - 5
- 1
Illegal instruction (core dumped)
#34 opened by desperad066 - 2
Linearization adjustment
#33 opened by pulsipher - 2
Discretized Model Scalling
#32 opened by pulsipher - 2
A question about obstacle avoidance
#31 opened by LiJiangnanBit - 1
cmake version differences
#25 opened by chentairan - 5
Open loop or closed loop?
#24 opened by GaaiLam