
Error when launching the find_tranform.launch file

juannn01 opened this issue · 1 comments

Hi! I am facing an error when launching the find_transform.launch. I'm currently using ZED2 camera, RoboSense Helios 16P LiDAR and Jetson AGX Orin. The snapshot of the error is shown below:

I have made the adjustments on the required files based on the topic published by the ZED2 camera with reference to issue #148 to solve the error. However, the error still exists even though I had performed the changes. The details of the code are shown below:

  1. find_transform.launch

  2. main.cpp

  3. aruco_mapping.launch

  4. lidar_camera_calibration.yaml

  5. zed_left_uurmi.ini

Look forward for the reply and thank you in advance!

Hi @juannn01, before modifying the main.cpp, aruco_mapping.launch, and lidar_camera_calibration.yaml files, did you try just doing a remap? In my case, I had created a new launch file to launch the camera and LiDAR topics while redirecting them to the topic names required by the package. Here’s how my launch file looks::

  <!-- Remapping for the camera calibration -->
  <remap from="/camera/color/camera_info" to="/camera/camera_info"/>
  <remap from="/camera/color/image_raw" to="/camera/image_raw"/> 

  <!-- Remapping for the lidar-camera calibration -->
  <!-- -->
  <remap from="/camera/color/camera_info" to="/frontNear/left/camera_info"/>
  <remap from="/camera/color/image_raw" to="/frontNear/left/image_raw"/> 
  <!-- -->
  <!-- Include the RealSense launch file -->
  <include file="$(find realsense2_camera)/launch/rs_camera.launch" />

  <!-- Include the Velodyne launch file -->
  <include file="$(find velodyne_pointcloud)/launch/VLP16_points.launch" />

I hope this helps!