Research Areas: Visual Inertial Navigation System, Visual-aided GNSS Positioning
Intelligent Positioning and Navigation LaboratoryHong Kong
baaixw's Followers
- arenas7307979Taipei
- bygreencnChina
- Connor9994
- Crystallinehub
- DarrenWongThe Hong Kong Polytechnic University
- DawnsX
- ebhrzThe Hong Kong Polytechnic University
- eust-w求职中,有合适岗位请联系我,谢谢您
- frankfanslcFatpipe Networks
- FulvioFPimentelEricsson
- GrandzxwHarbin Institute of Technology
- hsiaray
- HsXu2Mimo
- IgorDucaBrazil
- igorfelipeduca@sigcoding
- KyriemaSEU(China)
- liucsg
- liyang-whuWHU
- LiZhengXiao99安徽理工大学导航工程系
- Mahmoudadham4040
- MaxEver13
- mfkiwl
- michaelnbk
- mmertpolatPwC Turkey
- OfficialCodeVoyageDallas, TX
- Sergio-VicenzoThe Hong Kong Polytechnic University
- SimonsRoad
- ThorkeePolyU E-Formula Racing Team
- TopCodeBeast
- Treffen
- v1otuscBaidu, Inc.
- Yangwei09013201
- YannnnnnnnnnnnWuhan University
- ZzJiachenchen