:beer::microscope: Bioinformatics formulae for the Homebrew package manager (macOS and Linux)
- adarshk
- alejorojas2Michigan State University
- alyeffyUC Boulder MDS Program
- audy@OneCodex
- bdcafTirol
- cjfiscusUC Irvine
- cjprybolLocusBio
- cmdcolin
- cometsongGeneDx | Sema4
- doomedramen@Pikl-Insurance
- GeneralDZYXW, NEXUM, 4d lab
- genomemattWurundjeri lands (Melbourne, Australia)
- geocarvalho@uclanelsonlab
- HadrienGFolkhalsomyndigheten
- hsiaoyi0504Ann Arbor, MI
- laughedelic@Tapad
- LeeBergstrand@Metagenom
- liuhk388Montpellier, France
- liz-is
- lmrodriguezrUniversität Innsbruck
- lxhuang7
- mjsteinbaugh@merck
- mniva@BonnierNews
- MY6National Institute of Infectious Diseases
- peterdfieldsUniversity of Basel
- prog1devTbilisi, Georgia
- rec3141University of Manitoba
- rhshah@mskcc @msk-access @mskcc-omics-workflows
- ryanshawAd Hoc LLC
- shukwong
- sjackman@10xGenomics
- tseemannThe University of Melbourne
- UnixJunkieCompany
- vallpaperRecombee
- vladsonLondon / United Kingdom
- whiter462BizDev x Genomics x IT Company & Visiting researcher of Univ