- 42jaylonwGalbot
- aiyouaiyouhehehe
- andyoung009
- BarisYaziciFranka Robotics
- cbreins
- dbdxnuliba
- fjulianZurich
- fradif96
- georgemavrakisJohnson & Johnson (Janssen R&D)
- GhostDragon9889China
- jukindleSchaan
- junwoo091400@auterion
- kekeblom@StrayRobots
- kkkkkaiaiThe Hong Kong University of Science and Technology(GZ)
- loloRvz
- luqinlivePlanet Earth
- matiovABB Corporate Research
- mbreyerETH Zürich
- mch5048ECE. Seoul National University
- P1terQUniversity of Science and Technology of China
- palwanishanRainbow-robotics
- raghavauppuluri13
- sjYoondeltarSeoul
- stevewenSignal Robotic
- wangcongrobotTU Delft
- woudieNorthern Hemisphere
- ZhouxunzheFudan University