- 4
- 0
(Slight) Randomness in results
#262 opened by ChristianWesterdahl - 1
Add loop-closure and re-localization to ROVIO
#260 opened by mzahana - 0
Not working with Intel Realsense D435i
#259 opened by Gill-Singh-A - 1
- 2
Remote frame visualization
#255 opened by seqwalt - 0
ROS 2 support
#257 opened by mzahana - 3
What is the safeWarningTime_
#210 opened by 0Jiahao - 1
Rovio Install Fail
#245 opened by RC271991 - 2
Error building using catkin
#256 opened by shreyko - 1
- 0
Rovio with camera image cropped
#254 opened by Cristian-wp - 0
Jetson nano
#243 opened by poudyalbot - 0
- 1
Using attitude from IMU to improve ROVIO tracking
#248 opened by makiello - 0
Indirect method for update
#253 opened by poudyalbot - 1
why lightweight_filtering is empty?
#223 opened by chx725 - 1
Fatal Error in Prediction
#250 opened by Adenventer - 1
Why do we need to perform time synchronization?
#236 opened by kerwin112ME - 1
I am a newbie, I want to run ROVIO on RealSenseD435i, what files should I modify?
#247 opened by lxy-mini - 0
Is this paragraph useful?
#251 opened by Adenventer - 0
Narrow FOV
#249 opened by telemc97 - 3
I am a newbie, I want to run ROVIO on RealSenseD435i, what files should I modify?
#213 opened by UestcVan - 0
Aggressive motion Dataset
#246 opened by jsYangCode - 0
Catkin build error
#244 opened by natunator - 1
glew related errors at compile time,i.e "undefined reference to `__glewBindBuffer' "
#233 opened by hamsterasu - 0
turn off 'tracker'
#242 opened by zinuok - 1
- 1
rovio is slow when running on bag
#220 opened by jakemclaughlin6 - 0
Is it possible to disable IMU?
#235 opened by zanazakaryaie - 0
made by mistake
#234 opened by kminoda - 5
- 1
How to save the trajectory of rovio?
#231 opened by InkSpade - 0
Odometry accuracy depends on scene depth?
#230 opened by suiye921 - 2
Model jacInput Test failed
#225 opened by alexwu-bayarea - 0
Position trailing off in scene with oCamS-1MGN-U
#229 opened by niekez - 2
rovio pose error with the groundTruh
#208 opened by lixiaohang - 0
Does ROVIO use Velocity measurements?
#227 opened by Mikhail2017 - 0
Complications running Rovio with Airsim
#224 opened by MoBaT - 0
Px4 Gazebo SITL - ROVIO Feedback to EKF
#221 opened by NicoMandel - 1
Deviation in trajectory
#219 opened by rocomanmelli - 5
WHERE to modify there different build variables?
#218 opened by mechaliomar - 2
- 1
#215 opened by mechaliomar - 1
#217 opened by mechaliomar - 10
where is the result?
#214 opened by ethan4335 - 1
Build variables remain unchanged
#211 opened by scharalambous3 - 0
Pose error
#212 opened by sridhargunnam - 0
MultilevelPatchAlignment Fail and A matrix is all zero.
#209 opened by JJQ7 - 1
RovioNode.hpp adds negative to w() of quats
#207 opened by MoBaT