- againxxUSTC
- alvarovillena
- beckerpascal@abb
- Cakem1x@naturerobots
- christophebedardApex.AI
- chungyingOxbotica
- cjue
- CKunz
- dipampatel18
- ekorudiawanPoliteknik Negeri Batam
- faillock
- gisbi-kimNAVER LABS
- hanntonkinLAAS
- ipa-rar@node-robotics
- jay3ss
- jcvtieck
- jo-jstrmKarlsruhe
- JWeinland
- lajoiepyMontreal
- lauesaBastian Mobile Robotics, Toyota Advanced Logistics
- leonmkim
- lucascoelhofRealtime Robotics
- lucaswSeattle
- penguinmenac3
- philipsgithubRobotics
- polleyr
- sjahrPickNik Robotics
- StarRealManThe Hongkong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou)
- stefanscherzinger@SCHUNK-SE-Co-KG
- stevewenSignal Robotic
- svenrudolph
- thibthib18
- Tomato1107Okayama University
- woudieNorthern Hemisphere
- zhengzhuniversity of science and technology of china
- zurferr