Mapless Collision Avoidance of Turtlebot3 Mobile Robot Using DDPG and Prioritized Experience Replay
- ArezooAalipanah
- asliyigitKocaeli University Computer Engineering
- bektaskemalNode Robotics GmbH
- bygreencnChina
- chaosywu
- chengrj
- derektan95
- fangxiaoshen
- HaiMaoShiTangTiangong University
- hanlinniu
- HFly1
- hikashiSingapore University of Technology and Design
- HzcIrving
- jingxingdaze
- KhattiyaPSingapore
- liuqi8827Harbin Institute of Technology
- nfhe
- nullbyte91airbus
- Peace1997
- potato77Guangzhou
- ramviyasUniversity of Georgia
- roaddy
- rongzhou
- RyanYao22
- SamNew1
- songxiansen2019
- surefirewanqShenzhen China
- tabowsy
- veenasnair18EY GDS
- WenxingLiu16
- wenyu-du
- wwwwwwind
- xiaohui288
- Ybor-31Beijing
- yulishuai
- Zora225