- 3
- 12
How to manage BGRA8 image encoding
#96 opened by lucarossini-iit - 2
Question about Using High-Frequency Leg Odometry and Low-Frequency Outputs for Mapping in Quadruped Robots
#102 opened by zma69650 - 9
Node dies, exit code 6
#37 opened by natha-n - 1
- 3
process died
#47 opened by jingGM - 2
[elevation_mapping-5] process has died
#90 opened by CYJ00 - 6
target_frame does not exist
#78 opened by ZhoZhicheng - 3
PointCloud Sensor Elevation Uncertainty Model
#93 opened by jwag - 2
Banning a radius around the sensor (Question)
#64 opened by mukundbala - 4
- 5
Jetson NX , [elevation_mapping-2] process has died [pid 13347, exit code -11
#92 opened by hangtianxia - 1
- 0
Error in turtlesim_semantic_pointcloud_example?
#89 opened by crankler - 6
error about simple_parsing
#88 opened by crankler - 6
AttributeError: module 'numpy' has no attribute 'typeDict' ouccurs when roslaunch semantic_sensor semantic_image.launch
#85 opened by CYJ00 - 1
/usr/bin/ld: CMakeFiles/convex_plane_decomposition_ros_TestShapeGrowing.dir/test/TestShapeGrowing.cpp.o: undefined reference to symbol '__gmpn_com'
#84 opened by dbdxnuliba - 8
- 5
- 3
pybind11 problem
#83 opened by niteofhunter - 1
Custom Kernel Update Question
#56 opened by Kennard123661 - 0
- 14
- 2
Better documentation for MEM
#79 opened by Rwik2000 - 1
Height Map generation for Training
#76 opened by Hussain7252 - 1
RLException occurs while running Basic Usage
#73 opened by CYJ00 - 1
With Jetson Nano
#72 opened by SobhanGhayedzadeh - 2
Traversability Filter
#70 opened by Hussain7252 - 0
A question about the pointcloud_class_* plugin
#69 opened by HT-hlf - 0
How can I download bag?
#67 opened by craipy-hub - 9
plane segmentation does not work
#43 opened by son-youngwoo - 1
- 1 Problem
#57 opened by CihatAltiparmak - 7
- 0
Python 3.11: ValueError: mutable default <class 'numpy.ndarray'> for field w1 is not allowed: use default_factory
#61 opened by lucasw - 3
do you have recommended pc for run the project and what the type of your upper board to run the project
#55 opened by dbdxnuliba - 1
basic layers and normals computation
#51 opened by giulioturrisi - 1
build more layers basic on inpaint and smooth
#53 opened by xaioqi - 9
failed to run
#40 opened by newtower - 0
Map movement when using inpainting filter
#52 opened by gibinjoe - 1
- 2
path planner for this package
#46 opened by Rohitra078 - 1
Full elevation map save
#45 opened by Rohitra078 - 4
questions about ``
#44 opened by GuaguaguaLiu - 1
- 6
- 2
program running problem
#39 opened by newtower - 1
- 1
Any paper associated with the work
#36 opened by ArghyaChatterjee - 1
ROS2 support
#33 opened by ArghyaChatterjee