Pinned issues
Missing deb arm64 for ros-iron-nav2-bringup due to missing gazebo classic
#3766 opened by jkaflik
- 5
AMCL is unable to correctly publish the map->odom coordinate transformation.
#4584 opened by suixing108 - 5
Issue with Bidirectional Acceleration and Deceleration Settings in MPPI Controller
#4601 opened by osama-z-salah - 1
Revert Double Spin in #4558 once rclcpp #2589 fixed
#4567 opened by SteveMacenski - 7
Getting this error while navigation : Extrapolation Error looking up target frame: Lookup would require extrapolation into the past
#4551 opened by vatsal21770 - 5
Completely shutdown dynamic_param callback threads instead of only `dyn_param_handler_.reset()`
#4496 opened by GoesM - 5
- 5
Compute Path Through Poses, transformPoseInTargetFrame "base link" does not exist
#4508 opened by T-Lemmel - 5
Create BT action node RemoveInCollisionGoals
#4587 opened by tonynajjar - 9
- 2
nav2_mppi_controller - ARM (Jetson NANO) Issue? [component_container_isolated-1]: process has died
#4513 opened by alex77272 - 1
Model State Initialization
#4581 opened by KoushikRaghav - 2
About Nav2 CycloneDDS and Micro XRCE-DDS
#4577 opened by frkngltk - 3
setCostmap function in Footprint Collision Checker
#4573 opened by anath93 - 2
Exception: According to the loaded plugin descriptions the class nav2_smac_planner::SmacPlannerHybrid with base class type nav2_core::GlobalPlanner does not exist.
#4571 opened by atinfinity - 2
Nav2 BasicNavigator raises ValueError exception
#4570 opened by lucasl84 - 1
Custom constraints and custom cost function in mppi
#4569 opened by pathakarvindk - 1
Wait node no action server
#4568 opened by Marc-Morcos - 4
- 4
Collision Monitor in Nav2 Not Displaying Polygons Correctly or Following Robot
#4555 opened by marcusvinicius178 - 1
Both Slack invite links may have expired
#4562 opened by lloydchang - 8
[MPPI] Zero velocity used after Optimizer reset
#4545 opened by BriceRenaudeau - 1
Docking is not available for ros humble.
#4560 opened by rikhsitlladeveloper - 2
Path Planning with nav2_smac_planner/SmacPlannerHybrid Generates Wobbly Paths Instead of Straight Lines
#4542 opened by osama-z-salah - 1
- 0
[nav2_controller] nullPtr bug during `comupteControl()`
#4547 opened by GoesM - 1
Nav2 Fails on Second TurtleBot 4
#4552 opened by bioturtles - 3
[nav2_smoother] nullptr bug during `smooth_plan()`
#4538 opened by GoesM - 2
- 6
Controller server + local costmap setup issues
#4532 opened by lucasl84 - 6
Error when switching from DWB to MPPI Controller Server , Inflation Layer not found and segmentation fault
#4536 opened by WyattShawDal - 2
Confusion about MPPI Path Angle Critic
#4539 opened by nikkijhart - 1
[Feature Request] Temporary Static Obstacles Detection and Map Update Using RL
#4535 opened by BCKSELFDRIVEWORLD - 3
Extensibility of MPPI with external custom critic(s)
#4533 opened by quantumxt - 4
AMCL localization transform stability issues
#4534 opened by lukasnoeller - 2
Call Python API navigator.followPath() , but it will fail after several successful executions
#4531 opened by LightRadiance - 1
- 1
min_turning_r parameter is not applied
#4509 opened by iradionov - 12
- 3
nav2 still not available on jazzy (binaries)
#4519 opened by g-arjones - 7
Obstacle layer min_height does not get applied
#4512 opened by anath93 - 3
Nav2 Docking: Send a navigation goal while the robot is docking or is already docked
#4503 opened by jcarlosgm30 - 1
Increase backup speed for recovery in default BTs
#4498 opened by SteveMacenski - 1
min_x_velocity_threshold, min_y_velocity_threshold, min_theta_velocity_threshold do not appear to be in use: investigate
#4494 opened by SteveMacenski - 1
[nav2_costmap] UAF bug caused by incomplete closed `dynamicParametersCallback` thread in `Inflation_layer_`
#4497 opened by GoesM - 2
Unable to build from source after PR #4393
#4499 opened by chrisl8 - 1
[nav2_costmap] UAF bug caused by the exit mechanism flaw in class `ClearCostmapService`
#4489 opened by GoesM - 1
- 1
How to stop some behavior server's behaviors?
#4491 opened by yigitboracagiran - 1
Can't install for ROS2 Jazzy
#4490 opened by Raedrus - 1