A tool for removing redundant genomes from a set of assemblies
- alienzj@ohmeta
- audy@OneCodex
- chapmanbGinkgo Bioworks
- colindavenGermany
- druvusSweden
- dsarovUniversity of the Sunshine Coast
- edawson@nvidia
- ekgUniversity of Tennessee Health Science Center (UTHSC)
- endrebakNTNU
- fetyj
- galstrikerGuangdong Province, China
- ijmiller2MadCity Analytics
- iqbal-lab
- jungbluthBay Area, CA
- lambros-fBayer Crop Science
- lcerdeiraLondon School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine
- LeeBergstrand@Metagenom
- leoisl
- lpoorvinLonza Specialty Ingredients
- mgalardiniTwincore & MHH
- nayeimkhan
- NiladVal de Roc
- noporpoiseCurative
- oschwengers@ag-computational-bio - JLU Giessen
- peterdfieldsUniversity of Basel
- phiwegerLeipzig
- pmenzel@LaborBerlin
- ropolomxAgriculture and Agri-Food Canada
- shandleyWashington University School of Medicine
- shenwei356Chongqing Medical University, China
- songbaozou
- songyang1992CAS
- tolot27@imb-fmg
- winterlich
- yangwu91Southern Medical University
- zachcp