- 1
rosdep install issue (conda was found)
#493 opened by q576333 - 7
- 7
- 6
- 1
Regenerate Recipes for ROS Noetic
#495 opened by taylorpool - 6
Install RoboStack against Python 3.10
#489 opened by USeebi - 2
- 24
- 15
libgazebo_ros_laser and libgazebo_ros_camera plugins do not work in macOS (April 2024)
#462 opened by traversaro - 2
Package request: ros-humble-moveit-servo
#473 opened by MannavaVivek - 2
Package request: slam_gmapping
#478 opened by GokulEdakkePuram - 2
Package request: ros-noetic-aruco-ros
#479 opened by hsparkastro - 2
Update moveit can not use the old package .
#486 opened by kaola-zero - 4
error when source devel/setup.bash
#484 opened by camillaBobo - 0
Package request: ros-noetic-can-msgs
#482 opened by mantkiew - 1
Package request: ros-noetic-dbw-mkz-msgs
#481 opened by mantkiew - 0
Package request: ros-noetic-lusb
#480 opened by mantkiew - 1
- 10
Can not install ros-noetic-desktop-full
#475 opened by SJoJoK - 8
Package request: depthai-ros
#469 opened by kneave - 12
ros-noetic-velodyne-pointcloud listed as available in noetic for linux-64 but requires ros-distro-mutex 0.5.*
#466 opened by mantkiew - 1
Package request: ros-noetic-lanelet2
#467 opened by mantkiew - 1
Package request: ros-noetic-husky-simulator
#460 opened by sesem738 - 7
- 6
Ensure .dll files in Windows gets installed in %CONDA_PREFIX%/Library/bin and not %CONDA_PREFIX%/Library/lib
#457 opened by traversaro - 5
Potential RoboStack channel issue
#456 opened by varunagrawal - 1
rostopic echo /turtle1/pose ERROR: Cannot load message class for [turtlesim/Pose]. Are your messages built?
#429 opened by jmstadt - 3
Package request: ros-noetic-webots-ros
#451 opened by askman92 - 8
- 1
Package request: pcl_ros
#449 opened by benken9 - 2
Package request: rosmon on Python 3.11
#446 opened by alaurenzi - 3
Installing bagpy
#431 opened by aravindsiv - 6
ROS_IP set by default upon sourcing in Windows
#430 opened by gftabor - 6
ros-noetic-cv-bridge does not work on osx-arm64 although the official docs say otherwise
#417 opened by artificial-agent - 5
How is this feedstock maintained?
#420 opened by peci1 - 5
Version of ROS package dependencies
#440 opened by alaurenzi - 5
cmake fails with 20.04 project
#443 opened by pauldeee - 2
Installing ros-noetic-catkin adds .catkin file to env directory, which breaks sourcing logic
#434 opened by fishbotics - 12
- 1
Package request: rtabmap-ros
#442 opened by abhirajsingh101 - 1
Package request: p2os
#439 opened by nixwebb - 1
Package request: ros-controllers
#432 opened by khaledhazime - 2
Try Mac ARM runner instance
#428 opened by Tobias-Fischer - 0
Missing OpenCV symbols
#437 opened by aravindsiv - 2
cv_bridge provides almost no libraries via CMake
#424 opened by peci1 - 3
How to update whole environment?
#419 opened by peci1 - 3
‘lnvoking make -j8 -l8 failed’
#409 opened by elyeesian - 1
The moveit related patchs seems outdated.
#411 opened by lianghongzhuo - 6
- 8
Cannot find GL/gl.h
#414 opened by aravindsiv