Series of lectures and hands-on tutorials organized to familiarize new lab entrants with the fundamental areas of robotics research.
- Abhayram-A-Nair
- Abhigyan-devHyderabad, India
- adbidwai@marmotlab
- Agrover112
- alapan-sauIIIT Hyderabad
- aravind-3105University of Toronto
- Ashutosh781@ERC-BPGC
- ashwin-mittalHyderabad
- avani17101IIIT Hyderabad
- Avinash2468Georgia Insitute of Technology
- Aziz-29
- BhaskarJoshi-01
- FlightVinIndia
- gowrijsuriaInternational Institute of Information Technology Hyderabad
- hamsadattaBonn, Germany
- hardesh@Peppermint-Robots
- jhanvi-shingalaAhmedabad
- kharyal
- NiharikaVadlamudiInternational Institute of Information Technology
- pavani-17
- pushkalkataraUnited States
- qureshinomaanCarnegie Mellon University
- RazThePsycho
- rishistypingParis, FR
- Rohan-G
- shaantanu314IIIT-H
- ShashwatNigam99Georgia Tech
- Shubodh
- Srujan-D@ERC-BPGC @BitsRobocon
- SuhrudhSarathy@Peppermint-Robots
- sumitsarkar1CV Lab , IISc
- tejalbarnwalMumbai
- ysudhanshCarnegie Mellon University