
Unable to pick up objects heavier than 0.05 using manipulator arm

karthikm-0 opened this issue · 1 comments

I am struggling to pick up objects heavier than 0.05 units (on rigid bodies). I am using a teleoperated robot arm with basic parameters for the controller (Stiffness: 100000, : Damping: 10000, Force Limit: 10000). The issue is that when these objects are picked up they wobble and eventually slip away. Objects with any more weight are never picked up. Here's a demo showing both:


Any help would be appreciated!

Hello, while I'm a novice with Unity and robotics, I came across something that may be of help to you. I'm using Franka Emika Panda as well and when I was converting the robot's .xacro file into a .urdf file, I used the rosrun xacro xacro $(rospack find franka_description)/robots/panda_arm.urdf.xacro gazebo:=true hand:=true> panda_arm.urdf command, enabling the gazebo simulation option. In the imported URDF file, under the Plugins object, I came across several scripts called Urdf Plugin denoting the friction coefficients of both fingers. Maybe you can try changing them but like I said I'm fairly inexperienced and haven't even gotten to grasp an object yet. I hope this helps though!