- 1
why divide Jτaa by 2
#96 opened by hustmzy - 35
TagBot trigger issue
#19 opened by JuliaTagBot - 1
- 1
Where can I find examples of atlas.jl
#94 opened by Seas00n - 1
Bouncing Ball
#93 opened by zhonghai1995 - 0
- 3
Multiple mechanisms in one simulation
#75 opened by MrstupidJ - 1
Question about loading a robot and an object
#86 opened by crtie - 1
- 0
- 0
Memory allocations
#81 opened by janbruedigam - 3
- 1
Contact for the wheel object
#76 opened by engineermind - 1
Elasticity support?
#56 opened by DesmondZhong - 0
Vacuum suction-cup grippers
#50 opened by thowell - 2
URDF parsing
#47 opened by thowell - 0
Joint limits for orbital joints
#45 opened by zpatty - 4
- 0
Support for linear solvers
#40 opened by thowell - 4
Permission denied when trying to build Dojo
#37 opened by XianyiCheng - 1
atlas_min example error
#68 opened by richardrl - 4
get_environment not defined for examples
#67 opened by richardrl - 1
Error when accessing gradients in AGS
#63 opened by yesiam-png - 1
Defining a Mechanism Documentation out-of-date
#58 opened by mfogelson - 1
cartpole_min and cartpole_max broken
#46 opened by GlenHenshaw - 1
suppressing "clipping .. " messages
#42 opened by swami1995 - 2
hopper_min and hopper_max still broken...
#33 opened by GlenHenshaw - 1
atlas_min and hopper_min don't converge
#41 opened by swami1995 - 2
cartpole_min broken
#34 opened by GlenHenshaw - 2
- 3
Both ant_ars and halfcheetah_ars broken
#29 opened by GlenHenshaw - 2
pendulum_max example broken (?)
#28 opened by GlenHenshaw - 3
quadruped_min example broken (?)
#27 opened by GlenHenshaw - 2
hopper_min and hopper_max examples broken (?)
#26 opened by GlenHenshaw - 1
`env.observation_space` doesn't match the shape of actual `observation` returned during env reset/step
#11 opened by rejuvyesh - 5
- 0
- 1
Calculate mechanism state from Quaternion?
#61 opened by MrstupidJ - 0
Minimal coordinates representation
#55 opened by thowell - 2
#36 opened by thowell - 2
- 1
Missing tests for envs
#17 opened by janbruedigam - 2
Purpose of `∂vector_rotate∂p`
#16 opened by rejuvyesh - 2
quadruped_min example still broken
#32 opened by GlenHenshaw - 1
Error of using keyword arguments
#25 opened by JSun950313 - 2
- 3
- 1
Miss using FiniteDiff
#21 opened by JSun950313 - 2
Call to simulate fails with MethodError (lu on 6x6 SMatrix is ambiguous)
#13 opened by stephane-caron - 2