- 2
undefined reference to `void backend::addLabelToPointCloud<resources::VoxbloxColorPointCloud>(unsigned int, unsigned long, resources::VoxbloxColorPointCloud*)'
#408 opened by Mysterium-sch - 0
logic about heuristic sampling
#416 opened by uestcyile - 12
- 0
#415 opened by qweasrgthyk - 4
No valid coordinate data!???
#346 opened by Pan-long-ming - 0
try maplab2.0 rovioli failed
#414 opened by grn213331 - 0
catkin build opencv3_catkin failed
#413 opened by heartflyinsky - 0
LiDAR based Mapping
#412 opened by shaheer34mts - 0
Not able to execute ``
#411 opened by GoroYeh-HRI - 2
About the relevant code of the paper "Map Quality Evaluation for Visual Localization"?
#365 opened by yuancaimaiyi - 0
Write an assembly program that simulates a single-digit counter (0-9) that: increments on the rising edges of RB4 (by interrupt); decrement on the rising edges of RB5 (by interrupt); automatically initializes if its value reaches the maximum value of 9; it can be initialized by the operator using an interrupt on RB0. Modify your program to add an LED that blinks as long as the counter=0 by: Using a timer based on timer0 of 250 ms (Osc=16MHz)
#409 opened by 0714627380 - 1
wheels odometry integration
#401 opened by alexk1976 - 0
- 0
maplab2.0 branch problem
#406 opened by bc129697 - 1
Error while running the tutorial_euroc_live script
#405 opened by MF-Ahmed - 0
multi-cam run
#404 opened by saohao123 - 0
- 0
Cmake submodules for internal dependencies
#402 opened by bhushanap - 2
- 0
plot_vi_states_of_mission not work
#399 opened by 10179013 - 0
Could I get a demo for lidar date process in maplab2.0?Especially the lidar yaml and .sh file.
#398 opened by 10179013 - 0
- 0
The generation process of the dense point cloud image is not displayed after executing sdr --flagfile=
#397 opened by 10179013 - 0
Failed to save mesh to disk
#396 opened by 10179013 - 6
- 4
Compilation Error ROS Noetic, Ubunto 20.04
#393 opened by MF-Ahmed - 3
"aslam/common/id.pb.h" not found
#392 opened by MF-Ahmed - 4
- 9
help me git clone this code thanks!
#379 opened by a2801603396 - 1
- 4
- 1
README links are not working
#372 opened by nubertj - 1
rovioli node error
#369 opened by sumitsarkar1 - 1
How to run multi-robot SLAM in maplab2.0?
#371 opened by fengshiyu58 - 0
Unable to export trajectory
#361 opened by ShrutheeshIR - 0
- 0
- 0
how we get the whole map as point could data ?
#350 opened by vishalleo1 - 0
multi-definition error if build static libraries
#351 opened by CanCanZeng - 0
create map from ground truth pose
#349 opened by CanCanZeng - 0
Can ROVIO run in segments?
#348 opened by Pan-long-ming - 2
- 1
Check failed: it != map.end() when trying to do optv
#340 opened by B-Meg - 1
rovioli node error
#337 opened by muhammetbozkurt - 0
Maplab rovio structure localization
#339 opened by poudyalbot - 0
Float Descriptor Integration
#332 opened by B-Meg - 0
Best way of importing maplab into an IDE?
#329 opened by Emilio-90 - 1
- 0
when set catkin config --install ,and then roslaunch the project, but it's run failed.
#322 opened by bc129697 - 4
ROVIOLI in VIO mode runs very slow
#321 opened by sumitsarkar1