Robotics software featuring legged locomotion algorithms and a momentum-based controller core with optimization. Supporting software for world-class robots including humanoids, running birds, exoskeletons, mechs and more.
- calvertdwFlorida Institute for Human and Machine Cognition
- ChandlenMIT
- chitianqilinThe University of Edinburgh
- CooperBruceMIT
- Deckard001
- doevelopperVersailles
- E-VilleEmpire
- eemailme
- godlikeldh
- gorogg
- hanliumaozhi
- jabrenaMadrid, Spain
- jambillking
- jerryprattIHMC
- jhcloos
- JiajunW9Beijing, China
- joehays
- justicelee
- kPatchOpenDive Technologies
- kushalsahareUniversity of Massachusetts Amherst
- madjackdaw
- mahopkins
- micco00xSapienza University of Rome
- oldton
- ozfSoftware Square, Byte Town, Logicstate, Computronia
- rhubot
- seanmason337
- SiChiTong
- simisolaoludare
- stephenmcc
- STGRoboticsStrategic Technolog Group
- xiaotaoqi-yyIntel Asia-Pacific Research & Development ltd
- yimingyanged
- zamzamiUniversity of Pierre and Marie Curie- ISIR