Repository for our paper: Learning Agile Skills via Adversarial Imitation of Rough Partial Demonstrations Proceedings of the 6th Conference on Robot Learning (CoRL),
- Alpslee
- catachiiiSwitzerland
- chengxuxin
- diegoferigoItalian Institute of Technology
- dmarewAmherst MA
- dunyang97BeiJing
- fly51flyPRIS
- GiuleroIstituto Italiano di Tecnologia
- gleamingko
- GloriabhsferClemson University
- Healthyyue
- JeffCarpenterCanada
- juhongm999POSTECH-cvlab
- KiritoShaw
- KlausLexVienna
- KooroshMoslemiUniversity of Toronto
- liuqi8827Harbin Institute of Technology
- luobo202254
- LwinMoeAung
- MegaYEyePurdue Univ
- neuronphysicsCanada
- ORANGE1506Shang hai
- P1terQUniversity of Science and Technology of China
- q10l01pZenaida Orn Company
- qindaoling
- RchalYangUC San Diego
- RexDrac
- SandalotsVolcanak
- SlimeVRX
- sungkim8968UK
- Teddy-LiaoBeijing Institute of Technology
- traversaroItalian Institute of Technology
- xiangyuchu03
- YangLiu-tum
- Yeok-cUniversity College London
- ZhengmaoHeGuangzhou | Shanghai