A skill-based platform for ROS v.2 with knowledge representating, planning and reasoning
- agileoneAgilitae Services Conseils
- ahoarauParis
- AlexMartinezSenent
- Amit10311Rouen, France
- anacleto85@pstlab
- beduffyBearcover + MTank
- Capri2014
- catree
- EgorBEremeevCuriosity Consulting
- frovida
- gramssGermany
- gstavrinos@roboskel, NCSR Demokritos
- guilhermeeuzebioClosecare
- guokiddo1Beijing
- ioolkosVerneMQ
- JimmyDaSilvaISIR-Sorbonne University
- juanmed
- lindemeierCarl Zeiss AG
- LoyVanBeekAigro
- MartijnK96
- matthias-mayrRiACT Robotics
- MatthijsBurgh@tue-robotics
- mgruhlerStuttgart, Germany
- michael-chikamchun
- michaelchi08MCKC
- mrbhjvDenmark
- mszarskiMelbourne, Australia
- nyxaria
- Petrox@Rescube
- rationalthug
- robberthofmanfm@Flanders-Make-VZW
- shmpwk@tier4
- TakashiSatoTokyo Robotics Inc.
- tonydangctBelgium
- tuandle
- webera