Pinned issues
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Interpreting results from IMU-CAM calibration
#722 opened by TL-4319 - 1
How to achieve reproducible calibration?
#721 opened by andriilitvynchuk - 1
Kalibr in RPi
#720 opened by andriilitvynchuk - 0
Why can't I find the code implementation part of this paper in the multiple-camera-calibration module?
#719 opened by spring-maker - 1
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Use calibrated imu data
#717 opened by jimakos96 - 0
I have a question related in April Tag
#716 opened by PSLeon24 - 0
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Issue when using Allan Variance ROS
#712 opened by harshal-14 - 0
Excessive camera-IMU calibration time issue
#708 opened by qpoisson - 0
Significant Discrepancy in xi Parameter between Kalibr's Omni-Radtan Model and CamOdoCal's MEI Model
#706 opened by qpoisson - 0
Sava extractions as pngs on disks
#710 opened by chenzhekl - 0
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Help:who can briefly talk about the idea of aprilgrid detection and the diff by compared with aprilgtag(
#707 opened by XavierQL - 2
Visual-inertial calibration on a ground robot
#699 opened by sachaMorin - 2
camera extrinsic and re projection matrix
#696 opened by khuechuong - 1
IsValid() for pinhole camera seems wrong
#705 opened by JunzheJosephZhu - 2
Cannot download the muti-cam ros bag file in
#700 opened by JunLFang - 0
How to only build a specific package?
#704 opened by JunzheJosephZhu - 2
bad imu sample rate ?
#667 opened by mahammadirfan - 1
What units is the resulting camchain.yaml file?
#664 opened by dtkutzke - 1
I encountered an issue while running Kalibr: "OpenCV Error: Assertion failed (isIdentity(expr))". How can I resolve this problem?
#679 opened by 12moon28 - 1
Get Fundamental Matrix?
#675 opened by mcqueen003 - 2
Calibration of Multiple Cameras with Overlapping
#685 opened by Nick-0814 - 2
Some issue about reprojection error and imu error
#687 opened by Richardcvpr - 0
Error: No module named wx
#688 opened by khuechuong - 1
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Wrong tangential distortion in visualizer
#698 opened by pavloblindnology - 1
StereoCameras Vins Fusion
#703 opened by jimakos96 - 2
My calibrated translation vector is not quite right caused by incorrect scaling of accelerometer measurements
#691 opened by SIRIUSwithXU - 1
Calibration report
#683 opened by Jawaheru - 3
No corners could be extracted
#682 opened by 1zgh - 0
Accelerometer bias exceeding 3-sigma bound even when other results seem fine.
#680 opened by TakShimoda - 2
Sample rosbag dataset is not working
#686 opened by chinmay1148 - 3
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Calibration tag pdf and config url are not working
#693 opened by U-Abhishek - 1
Why can't I install ros?
#701 opened by MikeAiJF - 1
bad IMU timestamps
#702 opened by Tis-Wu - 2
Reprojecction Error Range Clarification
#697 opened by geoeo - 0
CHOLMOD warning: matrix not positive definite. file: ../Supernodal/t_cholmod_super_numeric.c line: 911
#695 opened by virajawate - 3
An error about running a camera calibration
#689 opened by newboylkp - 4
Docker file to install Kalibr in Ubuntu 22.04 couldn't be found in main repo.
#684 opened by AjayAdit - 0
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Reference book for math principles in BlockCholeskyLinearSystemSolver.cpp
#672 opened by wushichatong - 1
Calibrating Thermal Cameras
#665 opened by mukundbala - 1
catkin built won't find packages
#676 opened by RomanStadlhuber - 0
How to undistort the images?
#674 opened by mcqueen003 - 1
Catadioptric camera-imu system
#668 opened by cjxie